Steve ndung'u
Scientists, EIA/EA expert, environmentalist.
About Steve ndung'u:
Research Scientists, EIA/EA associate expert, Forester, environmental manager,
Currently working as Assistant regional Director with Kenya Forestry Research Institute.
1988 - 1992 - Technician trainee : Duties included identifying tree seed sources, collection and extraction.
1992- 2010- Laboratory Technologists: Duties included seed research and seed quality testing.
2010 - 2013- Officer in charge : Duties involved forestry, activities, managing both human and physical facilities of KEFRI in the Turkana County
1913- 2017- Research scientist: Duties included seed research and seed quality testing.
2017- date: Assistant Regional Director : Duties involved forestry, activities, managing both human and physical facilities of KEFRI in the Nyeri , Meru, Embu, Tharaka Nithi Counties,
Msc. Environmental management
Bsc. Forestry
Dip. Applied Biology
Cert. EIA/EA
Cert. Senior management course