

Transcription | Digital Marketing Expert


Data Entry and presentation sample.

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Population census in Kenya

This was a sample of internet research that I did for a real estate company. 

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Portfolio & Services

Coaching Transcript

Chena vertotin, Bratamging ofr every 30 utes and of on change of spumhar

00:00:00) Speaker 1: 50 40 you fem that CoRChing of mentonng are effective
professional development 100187 if £0, why? Hf not, why not?

[00:00:10] Rachek: Yes to both actually Although 1's posable for them not 10 be.
effective and 10 take the kind of the why not first In my experience. the least effective
relationships with those that bur the line between coaching and mentoring And then
maybe they'ra billed as coaching and actually somebody kind of tries 10 00:00:30)
interpose themselves as a mentor. really, and that can just be unbalanced Js not
necessarily what either party i expecting nd hose ings can go wing te fo me. |
think COACKING works, a any time in SOmeane s career or fe general they need
some kind [00:01:00] of scaffolding.

1 guess, £01 Something That they re facing that they re finding Btficult 10 resolve sort of
on their own an 11's helpful to have Someone else ask Questions that makes you think

atfecently, makes you explore things differently and it s%onfidence buiding actually to
have that sort of dynamic because you feel [00:01:30] at those questions are atked
2d you formulate your answers. You can feel the fact that ITs your own resources
yout Gawing on So there's something very paistying:

[00:01:38] Speaker 1:ves ’

[00:01:39] Rechet - actually aboyg having i kind of reflected back to you what your skills
re and your competencies are and that you can 0 this. 50 coaching | think is really
heiptul both as a formal sge?at This is a coaching session. but aio as a style of
management So when yckire working with your team, £0 kind of take a coaching
Approach, resohNG Tings In the tearm | think is helpful Mentoring [00:02:00] is sightly
ittecont. | think tis 111s most helpful when somebody is taking a prOMONION of MOVING
in10 a different kind of professional sphere And therefore, can really benefit from the
1nd of sharp and focusad wisdom of SOmAONE who's bean 0n that path before,

1000224) Speaker 1: ves

00:02:25) Rachet: And it's probably worthwhile having coaching as well at that time but
there's a there s a real value in kind [00:02:90] of packing the beains of someone more
experienced now For example, when | became a diactor, | Aad two director mentors,
Ge who was a DES mentor and one who was a DAS mentor, because | really
specifically needed input at director level on both those different domains

This is a coaching transcript that I did in 2022. I did the the transcript in clean verbatim with timestamps after every 30 minutes.  

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Portfolio & Services

Parliament Proceeding Transcript

This transcript is about perliament proceeding. I did it in clean verbatim. It was indeed a fun job.


Honorable Junet: The acult committee that was spoken 10 by the magortty
leader that's supposed 10 be formed in the afterncon. Mr Speaker, shall be.
one by a selection committee Mi Speaker The selecbon committee He 15
the chasman of that committee M: Speaker, my party whch sts in th
house, Mr Speaker has no memberstep of the selection commitiee. Mr
Speaker. So Im wondering how he's gong Lo form an adull committee without
having membershep from afl sices of the house. Mr Speaker

Mr Speaker Now,

Honorable Junet: Secondly, Mr Spesker

Mr. Speaker. That probatiy is not factual honorable Junet
Honorable Junet: Mr Speaker | know,

Mr. Speaker: That probably is not factual because a select committee need
not necessarily be formed by a selection committee

Honorable Junet: But Me. Speaker, whichever —

Me Speaker: That's why am saying but proceed anyway because you were
actually prosecuting insudidiel

Honorable Junet. But Mr Speaker. | can tell you for sure that there is ro
Mermberstp from cur sxde in any committee that wil be formed for now in the
near future Mr Speaker Mr Speaker, no M1. Speaker [chuckles] why you are

Me. Speaker: You know | do nol know why you are making the members very
‘excited honorable

Honorable Junet. Nyamaza bana

Mr Speaker: But let's hear what he is prosecuting then i we stil thnk we are
not clear then we wit

Honorable Junet Me Speaker. In thus house. the last time Me Speaker

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