Michael Meja

6 months ago · 4 min. reading time · ~10 ·

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Positive Parenting: 3 Ways To Become A Better Parent To Your Children

Positive Parenting: 3 Ways To Become A Better Parent To Your Children

Picture this: you’re standing in the park, watching children laughing and playing with their parents. You can’t help but feel a pang of envy as you see the beautiful bond they share. You wonder, “What does it take to give that kind of love to your child?” It’s a question that lingers in the minds of parentswho struggle to give warmth and affection that should come naturally.

But fear not! We’re here to explore the transformative power of positive parenting, where love and connection become the foundation for a thriving parent-child relationship.

According to Arizona’s State University’s Dr. Keith Crni:

“…Being a sensitive parent and responding to your kids cuts across all areas of parenting. What it means is recognizing what your child needs at the moment and providing that in an effective way.”

Ideally, positive parenting boils down to these three factors: 

Promoting Mental and Emotional Development

A strong parent-child relationship acts as a catalyst for your child’s mental and emotional growth. When children feel loved, supported, and understood, they develop a solid foundation of self-esteem and confidence. They become resilient, capable of navigating life’s challenges, and are more likely to achieve their full potential. By investing in their emotional well-being, you’re giving them the tools to blossom into resilient individuals who can handle life’s curveballs with grace.

For example, when your child comes home after a tough day at school, take the time to sit down and listen to their feelings. Validate their experiences, offer comfort, and let them know that they are heard and understood. By providing this emotional support, you create a safe space where they can freely express themselves without fear of judgment.

Building Healthy Relationships

Positive parenting not only benefits your child’s relationship with you but also lays the foundation for healthy connections with others. When children experience a nurturing and loving bond with their parents, they learn how to form secure attachments and develop empathy, kindness, and effective communication skills.

Consider this scenario: Your child has a disagreement with their friend on the playground. Instead of jumping in to solve the problem, encourage them to express their feelings, actively listen to their friend’s perspective, and find a resolution together. By guiding them through conflict resolution, you’re equipping them with the necessary tools to build healthy relationships throughout their lives.

Engaging in Day-to-Day Life

Parenting is not a passive spectator sport. It’s an invitation to participate in your child’s life actively. When you cultivate a healthy bond, you become an integral part of their day-to-day experiences. Your involvement shows them that they matter, their interests are important, and they are supported in their endeavors.

For instance, make it a habit to ask your child about their day, their hobbies, and their dreams. Show genuine interest and actively engage in conversations about their favorite books, movies, or sports. Attend their school events, cheer them on during their soccer games, and celebrate their achievements. By actively participating, you’re creating cherished memories and fostering a sense of belonging within your child.

However, parents change and adapt to their children in different ways as they grow. This is why it is important to maintain a healthy bond in the following ways:

1- Spend Quality Time Together

Life is busy, especially for parents. As the day goes by, our to-do list gets fuller, and other priorities take precedence over quality time. Spending time with children doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking.

Imparting to your kids helps in building responsibility. For example, you can do chores with them like washing your car. Let them take charge–this way they feel like an equal partner whose opinions matter.



Alt: A family spending time together

Plan a schedule on when to spend time with your child. Sparing a few hours to communicate, and interact creates a connection, mindfulness and a sense of compassion. Who wouldn’t want to interact with their child just right after school? Being eager to know how their day went? How about a few minutes before school to keep them motivated?

In addition, limiting screen time doesn’t mean that parents are against technology. However, screens often backfire when they sell as the promise of rest. The tv and the phone can add a few minutes of quality time but it can be addictive to children.

Instead, create your own entertainment by engaging in hobbies that you all love as a family. Singing hymns, walking out in the park and exercising creates a sense of belonging instead of having a big portion of your life spent on the screen.

2- Provide Financial Support

Committed parents should be compelled to provide for the child’s well-being–whether they are co-parenting, working traditionally or acting as a stay-at-home parents.

In a recent statistic by brandongaille, 34% of fathers in the United States are under an order to pay child support, and the most common reason for this is that they are denied visitation rights.

Unless there are financial constraints, providing the basic necessities for your child creates a sense of worthiness and not abandonment. 

Children learn from observation. Help your children prioritize lifelong healthy habits by dividing their income into two buckets; one for saving and one for spending. This helps them learn more about accountability in managing money while they are still young.

3- Solve Problems And Disagreements Amicably

As a parent, you should understand that there needs to be constant nourishment and nurturing on how to solve problems. Creating a healthy space to makes your child understand the consequences of a certain action and helps them to be open-minded.

If your primary goal is to teach your children, yelling screaming and making all kinds of fuss will not only push them away but also make them rebellious. Keep in mind that children are learning as they grow. Be compassionate when you talk to them to model empathy.

Aligning your expectations with reality creates awareness–as children make mistakes. This is where you learn about your child’s listening styles. Some like to visualize, listen and touch. Take your time to meet your children where they are.


It’s always right to validate and acknowledge that children have a choice, although it’s important not to enable your children to keep doing ineffective behaviors. Therefore, you will provide a consequence; to give them a reality of what life is when making good and bad choices.

Being mindful and consistent with your children builds your credibility with them–thus, they will know that you follow through on what you say. Remember, you are your child’s role model, and they are always watching you. Don’t get to take a timeout on your character.



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