Working at the critical care unit and high dependency unit as on job trained critical care nurse. Main roles:Admission and assessment of critically ill patients. - Performing diagnostic tests such as arterial blood gases and interpreting their meaning.
- Providing care to patients suffering from cardiac diseases, brain injuries, accident victims and patients recovering from complex surgeries.
- Monitoring exact, detailed reports and records of the critical ICU patients
- Monitoring and recording symptoms and changes in patient’s conditions and information to the physician.
- Carefully observing and documenting patient information and vital signs
- Documenting patient treatment plans, interventions, outcomes or plan revisions.
- Consulting and coordinating with health care team members about whole patient care plans
- Active use of ACLS BLS in responding to life threatening emergencies, administering treatment, monitoring fluid input and output,
- Assisting physician and anesthetists in procedures such as endo tracheal intubation, endoscopy, bronchoscopy, and elective cardio version.
- Operating mechanical ventilators and ensuring all equipment’s are in use, identifying malfunctioning equipment or devices.
Oncology nurse at Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital and deputy matron of the cancer Centre, with the following roles; Main roles were; -preparation of duties -Team leader of the oncology unit, -Organizing meetings in the department, mentorship programs, CME’s, -Compilation of patient data on their treatment outcomes, and adherence. _Involved in evidence-based practices in the continuum of cancer treatment - Chemotherapy administration to cancer patients.
- Conducting cancer health education and awareness to patients, families and communities, with key emphasis on cancer risk factors, prevention, need for routine screening, HPV vaccination among girls and availability of cancer services.
- Participating in admitting patients in the oncology unit, history taking, head to toe physical assessments, taking vitals and calculating body surface area (BSA)Counseling and emotionally supporting newly diagnosed patents and their families; with emphasis on intended treatments, side effects, expected outcomes and availability of useful community resources for patients and their families
- Reconstituting and administering chemotherapy, after pre-medications-and monitoring for any adverse reactions