beBee background
Kelvin Kipkerich

Kelvin Kipkerich

Sales agent for agricultural products,

Services provided: Market Research Analysts

Ratat, Baringo
KSh163 / hour
Approximate rate


About Kelvin Kipkerich:

I am a kenyan citizen aged 26 years old , graduate from Egerton university with BSC in agribusiness management.currently i am working as a sales agent for classic Mabati Limited .i am self motivated individual and discipline ,quick learner and team player.i have experience in customer building relationship,negotiation,planning, and coordinating of job duties so as to meet set targets and objectives of an organization.


I have worked as production officer for kiptagich tea estate while attached .sales agent for classic mabati limited.


Acquired my degree from Egerton university; in agribusiness management in year 21/6/2019.secondary level ;Tenges boys high school scored Mean score of B+(Plus).

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