Bahola Buya

Bahola Buya

Marine Scientist


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About Bahola Buya:

I have knowledge and abilities both intrinsic and acquired for advocating for the welfare and sustainable usage of natural resources, particularly marine, habitats and related resources so as to accrue benefits and promote equitable sharing of the benefits accrued to the current generations, as well as ensuring their posterity for the future generations is guaranteed.


I have worked at Mombasa Marine National Park in Strategic Adaptive Management Department (SAM). SAM is a division at the park that carries benthic research and marine ecological monitoring. I also have worked with Hirola Conservation Program as a Research Assistant for two years. At Pwani University where i am doing BSc. Marine Biology and Fisheries, i am an active member of a Pwani University Bioresearch Centre (PUBREC) which is a group of students and lecturers who carry out academic research on Sea turtles, African Elephants and currently Nubian Giraffes.


I have a Community Wildlife Management Certificate and a Diploma Wildlife Management from Wildlife Research and Training Institute formerly KWS Training Institute. I am also doing a program leading to Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology and Fisheries at Pwani University.

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