Services provided
Highly enthusiastic and motivated Fisheries Management and Aquaculture Technology expert having skilled in aquaculture, fisheries and blue economy, value addition and project management. With expansive experience in consulting field ranging from government projects, donor funded programmes, Non-Governmental organizations in fisheries research, aquaculture and climate change. A technically- sound professional who possesses thorough knowledge of fisheries Management criteria, modern aqua culture technology and with excellent communication and contact skills gained as a trainer and a facilitator during public participation forums. Experience working with both Government and International Institutions with stakeholders including farmers, county & national government.
July 2021-To date: Kenya Fisheries Service (KeFS)
Aquaculture Business Development Programme-International Fund for Agricultural Development
Position: Fisheries Officer
Apr 2021 - May 2021 Technical Consultant
Mandera West, Kenya
Development of project end term evaluation report
Aug 2020 - Sep 2020 Technical Consultant
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)-UTaNRMP Project · Contract
Development of Project's Final Impact Assessment report of 8 implementing counties
April 2020-Jan 2021- Assistant Youth Entrepreneurship Development Consultant- Contract
July 2019- April 2020: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Aquaculture Business Development Programme
Position: Intern
MSc in Sustainable Aquaculture- University of St Andrews’ United Kingdom. 2023-Ongoing
Certificate in Trainer of Trainers on Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB)- International Labour Organization(ILO)
Bachelor of Science (Fisheries Management and Aquaculture Technology) – South Eastern Kenya University – 2013-2019
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education - Naaro High School - 2007–2011
Farmer Field Schools Certificate- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Introduction to Farmer Field Schools Certificate- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Gender Action Learning System- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Governance in Small Scale Fisheries Certificate- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Climate Smart Sustainable Agriculture- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)