beBee background
Lydiah Kawira

Lydiah Kawira

Social expert/sociologist

Customer Service / Support



Services provided

I am a sociology graduate from University of Nairobi. Besides my Education background i have been working for KETRACO as a way leave assistant for Ishiara-Kyeni 132kv Transmission line and Kamburu-Embu-Thika 220kv Transmission line.Solving way leave issues has  been my key strength in this projects, privileged to to solve them within stipulated time, amongst them being verification of project affected data on their ID, land and other personal details that identify them and authenticating a head contractors for construction site. I was also part of the social expert team at Tingori Consultancy for the preparation of the resettlement action plan, vulnerable and marginalised group plan and Environmental and social assessment for the proposed 100km Rumututi-Maralal and 38km kilgoris-kehancha projects.My duties here included Consultation with key project stakeholders, community members, county administration, opinion leaders, national and county department heads and observation of settlements patterns,  livelihoods of vulnerable groups and identifying areas best to hold public baraza' ethics, respecting the right and culture of the vulnerable group is my motto.

Approximate rate: KSh80 per hour


I have worked with KETRACO  for two different projects as a way-leave assistant for Kamburu-Embu-Thika 220kv and Ishiara-Kyeni 132KV Transmission line.Solving way-leave issues was my key strength in these projects, i was privileged to solve these issues within stipulated time frame. My duties included attending weekly  site meetings to give way-leave status as per the given schedule, Explain to project affected persons (PAPs) KETRACOs procedure for for compensations of the affected crops, verification of personal identification details that prove land ownership and authenticate way-leave a head of contractors for transmission construction works.  I have also worked with Women's Economic Empowerment Hub through University of Nairobi as a Research assistant,  here i was researching on challenges faced by women in cross-boarder business trade  through Focus group discussions (FGDs) and transcribing the audios recorded. 

In Tingori consultancy i was lucky to be part of the Social-Expert  that dealt with preparation of Resettlement Action Plan, Vulnerable and Marginalized groups, Environmental and social Impact assessment for the proposed Rumuriti-Maralal 100KM and Kilgoris- kehancha 38km. My roles here included consultations with the project stakeholders,community members,national ans county heads,opinion leaders, and physically observing settlement patters, livelihoods of the vulnerable groups and identifying areas to hold public barazas among others.


I have Bachelors Degree in sociology from University of Nairobi (2008-2011) and cultural Diploma from the same university(2007-2008). Chogoria Girls High School KCSE (2003-2006).

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