beBee background
Technology / Internet
kennedy Gitahi

kennedy Gitahi

Front-End Developer | React, Next.js

Services provided: Next.js , WordPress Developers , React / Node.js , Stripe , Front End Developers , Javascript / React , WordPress Development Services

Kariobangi, Nairobi Area
$20 / hour
Approximate rate


About kennedy Gitahi:

Hello there! My name is Kennedy and I specialize in web design and front-end development. I have had the pleasure of working with a diverse group of clients, ranging from comedians and musicians to media and game development companies, ecommerce businesses, affiliate websites, and many others.

My process involves conceptualizing, designing, and developing websites and web apps using React (NextJS), NodeJS, and a variety of headless CMS solutions, including WordPress. This combination of tools enables me to create effective solutions that address both development and business challenges. Ultimately, my clients experience improved website performance, increased customer satisfaction, and a higher return on their design, development, and marketing investments.


I have close to a decade of experience of web development experience in various capacities, starting with custom WordPress development and lately to front-end development using React and NextJs.


I am a pharmaceutical Technologist by training but have completed the various online courses that have enabled me to compete the projects I have and work with the clients I have in the past.

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