Evelyn Odera
Technology / Internet
About Evelyn Odera:
Am Evelyn Odera, a young and ambitious lady looking forward to strive in the world of today. Am an undergraduate at Kenyatta university studying Bsc in Environmental science, i have had an opportunity to work as an attache in the county government, i have also had opportunity to volunteer in community cleaning and programs.
Currently am working at Samasource company this is my second year, as an associate and a reviewer and it has enhanced my skills in computer proficiency, accuracy, attention to detail, team work, time management and as well decision making.
My hobbies are reading novels and watching educative documentaries
December 2020-To date: SAMASOURCE, NAIROBI KENYA
Position: Agent/Reviewer level Responsibilities
- Submitting the tasks on queue on time
- Ensuring your quality and accuracy on the tasks is above average
- Meeting the target required by your supervisor
- Attending meetings and training sessions authorized by your supervisor
- Giving floor support whenever it is required
- Giving feedback on poorly done tasks as well as showing the correct way to be done
Position: Internship- Environment Sector as a junior Environmental officer
- Review of Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Audits
- Environmental Health Inspections
- File and record-keeping
- Participated in the creation of environmental awareness and education among members of the public.
- Conducted field inspection exercise for facilities that pollute the environment. For instance, data collection using various methods such as questionnaires, giving the public a chance to air their views as far as environmental pollution is concerned.
- Grouping industries into various categories depending on the level of their activities that contribute to environmental pollution.
- Experience on general office operations including filling and office maintain • Assisted in customer care and front office duties
Sept 2014 – To date: Kenyatta University {Bachelor of Environmental Studies}
Feb 2020 - Samasource Training Certificate In Digital Literacy, Image Annotation, and Work Readiness
2010 –2013: Nyamira Girls High School. Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education. (K.C.S.E)
Apr– June 2014: Intro Technology Computer System.{Computer Packages} 2002 –2009: Bidii Primary School, Nairobi. Kenya Certificate of Primary Education. (K.C.P.E)