Olivia Kerubo
About Olivia Kerubo:
I am a lady aged 24 years with a diploma in Journalism and Mass media. I have got experience in this field as shown in my CV. Am also an hardworking lady with desire to thrive in this industry especially in editing. I enjoy editing and giving my skills by creating different dimensions on displaying my work so as to catch eyes and to meet clients expectation. I desire to do more and learn more in this industry.
I am familiar with Adobe premiere pro, Filmora, Final cut pro, Canva, InDesign. And am also open to learning new softwares.Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.
I have worked in several organization related to Media. From 2019 to 2021 I was volunteering in radio station called Ruben FM, where I acted as a co-host to a particular show which was aired on Saturdays.
From January 2022 to June 2022 I did my attachment at Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) and I was assigned as a program Editor during my six months there. And from late 2021 during Saturdays and Sundays I volunteered at AgapeloveTv as an Editor, videographer and Photographer.I was cutting across all corners since the station was still young in the industry.
But from 2022 July I stated showing up every day with the same roles where I stayed there until July 2024. From August 2024 to date I work part-time at a Cyber in charge printing,doing photocopies, scanning, accessing e-citizen, writing applications among others.
2019 - 2021 Journalism and Mass media NIBS college - Main Campus
2015 - 2018. Kenya Certificate of Secondary. Education - St.Paul Academy
2007-2014. Kenya Certificate of Primary. Education - Bright star Academy