NGO part -time job for youths
This is an NGO that is expanding in Africa and is currently offering opportunities to individuals who are within Nairobi or beyond to work either part time or full time.The NGO is in partnership with stanbic bank and ecobank as the official sponsor.The main work responsibility in the organization is ensuring team work,booking clients in the office, and organizing the organisation.Daily payment starts from kes 1800-4800 per day.
EntrepreneurshipRelated professionals
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ONLINE jOBS and Freelance
1 day ago
THE SHIFT PROJECTKENYA ORG Verified Company NairobiNGO offering part time and full time online and freelance jobs to youths and students .Requirements is internet connection,ID card and smartphone. · work from anywhere and get paid on daily basis.
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Simon Kariuki
6 months ago#1
iko wapi hii job ?