Sharon Christine
Restaurants / Food Service
About Sharon Christine:
Iam a hardworking highly organised lady who loves to multitask.
I have passion in customer service experience more so giving perfect service to my clients and getting more sales.
I did my kcse in 2010 and got grade C minus though I didn't manage to join college due to life challenges.
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1 day ago
beBee Professionals NairobiWaitressing is in food and beverage service and is the essential link between the menu, beverage and other services offered in an establishment away from home And it is also the act of filling the needs,want and desire of the customer. · I need this service: In the next few days ...
2 months ago
beBee Professionals NairobiFood and beverage service is the essential link between the menu, beverage and other services to offer in an establishment away from home. · I need this service: In the next few days · Priority of this service: Immediacy will be valued